We own and steward the land together for a healthy future for Chinatown.
Organizing for Community Control
The Chinatown Community Land Trust was launched as an important tool for residents and community activists struggling for greater control of development and rooted in the belief that we have the right to our historic community.
A Community Land Trust is a non-profit, community-based corporation that acquires and keeps land for the community and never sells it. It is a tool for the community to permanently own and administer the land for the common good. Because the CLT is the permanent owner of the land, it is able to preserve the land for community uses, regardless of the ups and downs of the real estate market.
Boston Chinatown's nearly 200-year history has been shaped by development events outside its control.
From the early 19th century, the South Cove neighborhood was home to different waves of immigrants and increasingly settled by Chinese laborers. Urban Renewal, railroad and highway construction, and hospital expansion shaped and ate away at the working class family neighborhood now known as Chinatown.
Beginning in 2000, a high-rise construction boom brought more than 2,600 new market-rate units to this tiny low income neighborhood. Luxury development and the short-term rental industry led to rapid price increases and displacement of residents from private market housing.
Chinatown residents held a #Chinatown SOS walking tour to highlight the impact of short-term rentals on the community in 2017; Councilor Ed Flynn joined the tour.
Join us in the work to stabilize Chinatown!
Anyone can become a member of Chinatown CLT if you agree with our mission and pay $5 annual dues. Chinatown residents are voting members; non-residents are supporting members.
從19世紀初開始,南灣居民區是各種移民潮的故鄉,並越來越多華工在此定居。 由於城市更新,鐵路和公路建設以及醫院擴建等,如今被稱為華埠工人階層家庭的社區就逐漸形成,也同時被逐漸吞噬。
從 2000 年開始,高層建築熱潮為這個小巧的低收入社區,帶來了 2,600 多個新的市價單位。 奢華發展和短期租賃行業導致價格快速上漲,令居民流離失所。
Displaced resident and supporters rallied at the site of a Hudson Street row house in 2015, before its condemnation and demolition.
任何人贊同我們的宗旨及支付 5 美元的年費,都可以成為華埠社區土地信託會(Chinatown CLT) 的會員。 華埠居民是有投票權的會員;非居民是支持會員。