Our Mission 宗旨
The mission of the Chinatown Community Land Trust is to stabilize the future of Chinatown as a neighborhood for working class families and a regional hub for the Greater Boston Chinese community. We work for community control of the land, development without displacement, permanently affordable housing, and shared neighborhood spaces, consistent with the vision of the Chinatown Master Plan.
華埠社區土地信託會的宗旨是穩定華埠的未來,為工人階層家庭和大波士頓華人社會的中心地區。我們為了社區土地管控權,提倡無迫遷的發展建設 ,增加永久可負擔房屋和共享鄰里空間,與華埠整體計劃的願景相一致而工作。
Our History 歷史
Tenants, homeowners, former residents, small business owners, and activists from Boston Chinatown started meeting in 2014 to learn about community land trusts from the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative. We shared a vision of a stable and healthy future for Chinatown, shaped and anchored by immigrant working class families and small businesses, and incorporated in 2015.
Some of our accomplishments since then include:
2016: Co-founded the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network with Dudley Neighbors Inc. and other organizations.
2017: Led campaign to terminate Tufts University’s development rights and return Parcel R-1 for community development.
2018: Organized with a broad coalition to secure a strong City of Boston ordinance for short term rental enforcement
2019: Acquired two row house properties for preservation as seven permanently affordable low income homeownership units.
2020: Released Chinatown Master Plan 2020 to supplement PLAN: Downtown by promoting the community's shared vision, priorities, and strategies for a stable and healthy future.
2021: Worked with the Greater Boston CLT Network to increase City acquisition funding by $20 M and create a first-time $2 M CLT fund in the City of Boston’s FY22 budget!
2022: Partnered with the Chinese Progressive Association to incorporate Chinatown Power and begin design of the Chinatown microgrid!
2023: Acquired a third row house property to keep tenants in place and preserve four permanently affordable homes.
來自波士頓華埠的租戶、房主、前居民、小生意業主和活躍份子,於 2014 年開始聚會,並從達德利街鄰里倡議組織中認識了社區土地信託。我們於 2015 年成立,並對華埠有一個穩定和健康的未來願景,就是由移民勞工階層家庭和小本生意塑造和當主錨。從那時起,我們取得的一些成就包括:
2016年與達德利鄰居公司(Dudley Neighbors Inc.)和其他組織共同創建了大波士頓社區土地信託網絡。
2017年華埠土地信託會主導倡議,以終止塔夫茨大學的發展和在R1 地段購買發展選項。
2020年 發佈了《華埠 2020 總體規劃》,通過促進社區的共同願景、優先事項和策略來完善下城計劃PLAN:Downtown,以實現一個穩定和健康的未來。
2021年 與大波士頓的社區土地信託網絡合作,在波士頓市的 2022 財年預算中增加2000 萬美元的城市收購資金和首次得到 200 萬美元的土地信託基金!
2022年 華埠信託会和华人前進会共同创立了華埠主導能源 (Chinatown Power, Inc),这是一家為公益的公司,正在唐人街创建一個由社区主导的能源微电網。
Following the official groundbreaking for the Metropolitan, community members who had fought for community control of the land stepped in and snapped an impromptu photo.