Community Commons

In a neighborhood where people still walk to the Boston Common, an important goal of Chinatown CLT is to reclaim the practice of the commons, shared spaces and resources for the common good. We see this as a way to protect things that are important for community life, not their monetary value, and to care for and govern them collectively.

  • Reggie Wong Park is Chinatown and the Leather District's only public recreational open space and the regional center of Chinese nine-man volleyball. Chinatown CLT successfully worked with Chinatown and Leather District residents, stakeholders, and park users to establish the Friends of Reggie Wong Park and to secure a 15-year renewable lease from Massachusetts Department of Transportation for preservation and operation of the park. A grant from the City of Boston's Community Preservation will support some immediate park improvements.

Climate Resilience & Environmental Justice

  • Chinatown Microgrid is an environmental justice and energy democracy project in development by Resilient Urban Neighborhoods and the Green Justice Coalition. By using software to connect the electric loads of different buildings and an infrastructure of battery storage, solar panels, and a variety of new technologies, the local microgrid will improve resiliency in the face of climate disasters, create energy savings, and reduce emissions. Chinatown CLT and the Chinese Progressive Association have incorporated Chinatown Power, Inc. to bring the microgrid project into implementation. Listen to the WBUR story here!

  • Traffic Related Air Pollution: Chinatown CLT is a community partner in the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH) project. CAFEH has produced over a decade's worth of sophisticated health research on Ultra Fine Particle pollution and is now focused on strategies that lower exposure to air pollution.



  • 黄述沾公園(Reggie Wong Park)是華埠和皮革區唯一的公共休閒場所,也是華人九人排球的區域中心。 華埠社區土地信託會與唐人街和皮革區居民,利益相關者以及公園使用者,成功地建立了 黄述沾公園之友,並從麻州交通運輸部獲得了為期 15 年的可續約租賃,使公園得以保存和運營。也得到波士頓市社區保護部的一項基金,可支持立即進行改進公園的工作。


  • 華埠微電網是彈動城市社區和綠色正義聯盟開發的環境正義和能源民主項目。 通過使用軟件連接不同建築物的電力負載以及電池存儲,太陽能電池板以及能效,照明和控制方面的新技術的基礎架構,本地微電網將在面對氣候災難時提高彈性,節省能源並減少排放。華埠社區土地信託會和華人前進會正在探索建立公平分享利益的社區所有權和治理結構。

  • 與交通有關的空氣污染: 華埠社區土地信託會是“高速公路暴露與健康社區評估”(CAFEH)項目的社區合作夥伴。  CAFEH在超細顆粒污染和降低空氣污染暴露的設計策略方面進行了十多年的複雜健康研究。