Historic and Cultural District

We seek to develop Chinatown as a Historic and Cultural District that preserves and safeguards the living pulse of Boston's immigrant history; it centers on the principle that Chinatown can only be preserved if its working class Chinese residents and small businesses remain.   

The historic and cultural district is a community-driven organizing and development strategy, which has many overlapping pieces, including cultural district designation, historic district designation, zoning reform, public art and cultural place-keeping, documentation and celebration of Chinatown's immigrant working class history, and an agenda to grow the community's small businesses. Chinatown CLT supports this broad community collaboration, with a particular focus on:

  • Utilizing Zoning, Cultural District, and Historic District Protections

  • Row House Preservation

  • Immigrant History Trail

  • Partnering with artist Wen-ti Tsen on the Chinatown Worker Statues project



歷史文化區是一個由社區驅動的組織和發展策略,其中有許多重疊部分,包括文化區指定,歷史區指定,分區改革,公共藝術和文化場所保管,唐人街移民工人階層歷史的文獻記載和慶祝活動 ,以及一個發展社區小本生意的議程。華埠社區土地信託會支持這一系列的社區協作,並特別聚焦於:

  • 華埠排屋覆蓋區

  • 保存排屋

  • 移民歷史徑

  • 艺术家曾文提的華埠工人雕像

29 Oak Street Projections

Recently purchased and reclaimed from short term rental use by the Chinatown Community Land Trust, the 29 Oak Street rowhouse property is now under community stewardship. While the interior contributes 3 units of permanently affordable housing, the exterior will host public art that symbolizes Boston Chinatown’s resilience and its immigrant history. The inaugural 29 Oak Street Projections event was held in September 2020, and the wall facing Maple Place will become a starting point for the Immigrant History Trail.


最近華埠社區土地信託會購買了位於屋街29號的排屋,從短期租用用途改變為由社區管理。 內部將可提供3套永久性可負擔住房,外部將放置象徵波士頓唐人街的動力及其移民歷史的公共藝術作品。 2020年9月舉行了首次屋街29號排屋外牆投影活動。


This event was supported by the Pao Arts Center. It was also mentioned in the 2020 Boston Asian American Film Festival “COVID Stories” program.

這項活動得到了Pao藝術中心的支持。2020年波士頓亞裔美國人電影節“ COVID故事”節目中也提到了我們的活動。