Calling for Board of Directors Nomination 請提名董事會委員!

Chinatown CLT has been stewarding community land to preserve a healthy future for Chinatown since 2015, and our Board of Directors plays a crucial role in advancing our mission. CCLT members are invited to nominate themselves or others for the 2022-24 Chinatown CLT’s Board of Directors. 自2015年起,華埠土地信託會一直與居民合力管控社區土地,以維護華埠的健康未來。我們的董事會在推進我們的使命方面發揮著舉足輕重的作用。邀請華埠土地信託會會員提名2022-24屆董事會委員。

Responsibilities 董事責任

Chinatown CLT’s Board of Directors decides the organization’s policies, budget, property transactions, and overall direction. Board members shall attend quarterly meetings and participate in at least one committee on the following areas of work: affordable housing and row house protection, historic and cultural preservation, environmental justice and microgrid, and shared open spaces. 華埠土地信託會的董事會決定組織的政策、預算、資產交易和總體方向。他們應出席季度董事會議,並參加至少一個有關這些工作領域的委員會:永久可負擔住房和排屋保護;歷史文化保護;環境正義和華埠主導微電網、共享開放空間。

Eligibility 競選資格

Any Chinatown CLT member who has paid their dues is eligible to serve on the Board. This may include Chinatown residents on properties owned by the Chinatown CLT, Chinatown residents at large, former Chinatown residents, business or property owners, other stakeholders with expertise and involvement in the Chinatown community, or representatives of the public sector, with the stipulation that Chinatown residents shall comprise the largest sector represented. 任何交年费的信託會會員都有資格擔任董事會成員。這些會員可能包括但不限於:華埠土地信託會擁有樓房的居民;華埠全體居民;前華埠居民,小商家或業主;華埠社區內其他具備相關專業知識的活躍人士;公共部門代表...... 原則規定華埠居民應佔據董事會的最大比例。

Election Timeline 選舉信息

The deadline for submitting nominations is Saturday, September 10. To nominate yourself or someone else, please complete and return the attached form. Or, you can call, email, or visit us at the office during the workweek. Voting members (Chinatown residents) will receive the ballot in mail by September 16. The election will be held during the CLT Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 24, 10 am - 12 pm at the Metropolitan Community Room. 提交提名的截止日期是9月10日(星期六)。有意向提名自己或他人的會員,請填寫並返回隨附的表格。您也可以在工作週期間致電、發送電子郵件或來訪我們的辦公室。有投票資格的會員(華埠居民)將在9月16日前收到郵寄選票。選舉將於9月24日(星期六)上午10至12點的華埠土地信託年度會議期間舉行,地址在大都會社區會議室。

Annual Members Meeting 年度會員會議

Chinatown CLT is hosting our annual members meeting on Saturday, Sept 24, 10-12! Come meet community members devoted to stabilizing Chinatown, learn about our land trust’s new projects, and elect our Board of Directors for 2022-24! Click here to become a member and get your complimentary eco-friendly tote bag today.


Reggie Wong Park Day 黃述沾紀念公園社區集結日


The 8th Annual Chinatown Stabilization Block Party