A park, not a parking lot!

After nearly 70 years, we are getting ready to finally have our permanent Chinatown Library branch on Parcel R-1 (BPDA-owned land, where the old YMCA bubble used to be). Part of that parking lot currently in use by Tufts Shared Services is owned by the Chinese Christian Church of New England.

Back in 2017, when Tufts Shared Services made the historic commitment to relinquish the parking lot and give up their development rights to the land, the community had always understood this to mean the full parking lot, but apparently they now are requesting to hold onto those 30 parking spaces on the church-owned land.

The Air Pollution Control Commission will hold a hearing on Wednesday afternoon 12/13, when they will decide whether or not to approve an ongoing exempt parking permit to allow Tufts Shared Services continued use of 30 parking spaces at Harvard and Hudson Streets. This is an important time to let the City know that the community would like to see a park there, not a parking lot, once the Chinatown Library is built.

Please use this link to fill out the form for an email to automatically go to Mayor Wu and Councilor Flynn. You can adapt the email to be more personal to you if you like.  Please then copy the text of your email and ALSO email it to apcc@boston.gov!

And, if you have time, join the zoom hearing on Wednesday so the City knows we are watching!

· You can participate in the 12/13 APCC hearing via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86329377111 or by calling 929-205-6099. Enter meeting ID 863 2937 7111 #. 

· You can also submit written comments to apcc@boston.gov


Donuts with Delegates 與代表共進下午茶


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